Need More Traffic and Clicks to Your Website?


Is Your Website Not Getting Enough Traffic?

It Might be Your Headlines!

Tony HermanHello!
What if you could do one, simple thing to get more traffic to your website?

Since 2009 when I really got into Internet Marketing, I’ve written hundreds and hundreds of articles that have received thousands upon thousands of views. When I started, it wasn’t easy… ok, it was torture. I didn’t like writing but you know what? It started getting easier the more I did it!

I didn’t have a coach or any training. It took me a while to figure out how to write good articles. I did a lot of research and found out what works and what doesn’t. I also found out how writing compelling headlines can make a huge difference in the amount of traffic your articles / pages / website gets. It’s unbelievable!

I’ve now put my knowledge into a book that explains how to either improve the writing you’re doing or help someone who has just started writing and also thinks it’s a form of torture.

I’m calling this book:

448 Ways to Instantly Improve Articles & Headlines

448 Ways to Instantly Improve Article & Headlines book cover

Why 488? Well, I added up all the tips and help I give you and that is what it came to.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • 14 Article Writing Tips
  • 3 Examples of Improving Headlines
  • 201 Magic Words
  • 46 Action Words
  • 176 Headline Starters
  • 1 Article Writing Cheat Sheet
  • 4 Bonus Material / Resources

You can keep this book as a reference when you need to improve an article title/headline or read the 14 article writing tips from start to finish to find ways to make writing for your website easier.

Tony HermanI Know People Need This Book

I run a website design company and we get new clients all the time. Probably the biggest shock for most of them is us telling them we need good, original content. Yes, some of them hire a copywriter but some just don’t have the budget for it or don’t understand how important the copy really is.

One thing I see all the time is the look of terror when we tell a client we need 800 words or 1200 words of original content. It’s that “deer in the headlights” look where you can see them panic. Maybe they’re being taken back to their college or high school days when a paper was due. They probably thought after graduation they wouldn’t ever have to do that again and here we are breaking some really bad news to them.

You Need it for SEO

Google wants good content because people are using Google to search for good content. That is really how you rank high.

Think about it – which websites do you visit all the time? It is Facebook or news websites or to check on your fantasy league? You go to those website because why? There’s new information (content) there. Content is still king when it comes to the Web. Knowing how to write decent content will help drive website traffic.

And why wouldn’t you write content? Here’s another point I try to bring up all the time, which is pretty amazing if you get it…

If you’re a business owner, you do tasks at your job every day. So do your employees. Maybe someone walks in and buys something. You just got paid for getting that item to your store, having a store, having employees and the advertising you’re doing. You made that sale but it’s a one time thing and it’s done. When you have great content on our website, you do the work and it keeps paying you back. It’s always on your website, attracting visitors and giving you traffic.

There aren’t too many things you do each day that keep working for you, 27/7 into the future but content on your website does just that.

Buy The Book

The 448 Ways to Instantly Improve Article & Headlines book is a 34 page PDF document that is easy to read and gets straight to the point. I don’t like to write fluff and I hate books that take too long to get to the point. My goal is to under promise and over deliver on anything I have available on my website – only high quality stuff.

You can buy it here as a PDF or else get it on Amazon.

OR (hint, hint) just join my email list and you’ll get this book for FREE!

You’ll have this great guide to making writing easier, less painful and you’ll be writing content that brings in more traffic!

$19.99 $9.99 PDF

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