90 Profitable Online Niches to Get Into


question mark with dollar bills behind itHow to Choose Your Online Niche and Completely Kill It!

This article will give you a list of profitable niches to get into if you’re just getting into marketing online. With the tips here, you’ll learn how to choose a topic (niche) that will be profitable and one that’ll be easy for you to work in.

First, some important tips:

  1. Only work in what you know. If you’re just getting started with Internet Marketing, don’t try to sell Internet Marketing. Do you know how to make shelves? Do that.
  2. Be good at what you do. It should be good enough to put your name on it. If you’re not willing to put your own name on it, then it’s not good enough. Don’t hide behind a brand that sells junk.
  3. Your ultimate goal should be to develop a product you can sell for $997. It’s a lot easier to sell a great, higher ticket offer than thousands and thousands of $5 products. Sure, you can have a $5 tripwire product and some product price points in-between, but your ultimate upsell should be that awesome product for $997. Buyers buy.
  4. Use a webinar to sell your product. Webinars convert super well.
  5. Offer lots of value. Enough said.
  6. Buy traffic / advertise. Plan on spending money on advertising. With higher ticket items you’re selling, spending money on ads will be no problem since it’ll be easier to be profitable.

Think about what you like to talk about the most. That might be something that’s profitable and it’ll be easy to write about or make videos about. How do you spend your time and what do you like to do?

Also ask yourself these questions:

  • What interests/hobbies do you have?
  • What experiences have you had in life?
  • What questions do people always ask you?
  • What skills or expertise do you have?
  • What do you like to talk about?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What gives you energy?
  • What do you want to learn more about?

Write down these ideas before moving to the next step.

Learn From the Pro!

Next, watch this video. Neil Patel is super smart at this and has tons of advice.

Choosing Your Ideal Niche

You may have some ideas rolling around in your head already, so check those ideas against this list of what a good, profitable niche should be:

  • Something you already know a fair bit about
  • Something you’re interested in
  • Something other people are interested in
  • Something people are prepared to spend money on

90 Sample Niche Ideas

Here’s a good list of niches to help you decide what to do (not in any particular order). You ideally want an “evergreen” niche, which means it’s always something people want. It’s not seasonal.

  1. phones
  2. computers
  3. sewing
  4. cars
  5. computer programming
  6. taking care of kids
  7. weddings
  8. how to attract women / men
  9. how to clean things
  10. how to mix drinks
  11. how to use a computer
  12. how to find a job
  13. saving money / finances
  14. how to live minimally
  15. living green
  16. coffee / tea
  17. sports
  18. fantasy football
  19. tattoos
  20. wigs
  21. beards
  22. beads / beading
  23. embroidery
  24. musical instruments
  25. logo design
  26. spirituality
  27. home day care
  28. handbags
  29. jewelry
  30. maternity clothes / pregnancy
  31. camping
  32. billiards and pool
  33. chess
  34. golf
  35. horseback riding
  36. skateboarding
  37. tennis
  38. business
  39. betting
  40. games
  41. parenting
  42. software
  43. doomsday prepping
  44. fashion / clothes
  45. health topics
  46. home remodeling
  47. senior housing / nursing homes
  48. boats
  49. motorcycles
  50. counseling
  51. flowers / gardening
  52. interior design
  53. landscaping
  54. mortgages
  55. painting
  56. dogs
  57. cats
  58. swimming pools
  59. learning languages
  60. sales training
  61. brewing beer or wine making
  62. home security
  63. identity theft
  64. life coaching
  65. get out of debt
  66. writing books
  67. dancing
  68. going vegan
  69. how to sell a car (I’ve done this kind of website (and sold it), it was fun)
  70. using social media
  71. how to draw cartoons
  72. retirement
  73. nursing
  74. diabetes
  75. how to be a DJ
  76. making gift baskets
  77. party planning
  78. aviation
  79. self defense
  80. property management
  81. real estate
  82. audio
  83. home theaters
  84. website design
  85. gymnastics
  86. skin care
  87. bad credit loans
  88. cash advances
  89. mesothelioma
  90. dating

The last four on the list are probably the most profitable but you may have to work hard to make money in them. I still wanted to list them because it’s not impossible.

More tips for your niche:

  • Don’t go with something too narrow / too esoteric / things people don’t really know about
  • Be careful with trends since they’re often hot one day and then gone
  • Think “evergreen” where there’s always a need for these kinds of products
  • Don’t get stuck on a certain brand because if that brand disappears, so does all your hard work, basically

Think about the things you’ve searched for recently, too.

What Problems Exist in Your Niche?

hands holding up question marks

The niche you choose should have some problems that most people run into. You either know how to fix those things or you can go find out and learn yourself (which is also fun to do). If you’ve been doing something a long time, you’ve probably forgotten all the things that were problems for you starting off. You may think that everyone knows those things since you know them now but they don’t. This is really important to remember.

Browse sites like Yahoo! Answers and Quora and look for what people are asking in your niche. Identify the problems and make a list.

Check Out the Competition

I had a client come in earlier this year and he’s in the fitness industry. He has a cool product, which is different and kind of new but I felt I needed to prepare him for the battle ahead. I ran some search stats on my laptop for him and showed him how much competition is out there and how big his competitions’ budgets were. Showing him that burst his bubble but I didn’t want him to waste his money. He has since pivoted a little and is going in a better direction.

There are big niches out there like health and finance, so drill down deep and find out what gaps there might be in the market. There’s no big secret on how to do this (don’t over-think it) – just do some searches on Google and dig into it a bit.

You definitely don’t want to go into a niche where there’s no interest, so don’t look for that but you can’t compete with the big players right out of the gate. Be somewhere in the middle.

dollar sign and question markCan You Monetize a Certain Niche?

What you’ll also want to focus on is if there are pre-made, market-tested products out there in your niche – you know… ones you can profit from! The great thing is that there’s always Amazon, which has pretty much everything. Another great place to look for products is Ali Express. You have a good chance of finding what you need at those sites and there may be others with affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs are programs you sign up for where you get a tracking link and if people click on your link and then buy from that website, you get a commission on that sale. Look for links at the bottom of sites that say “Affiliates” to find out more about the program they offer.

Go do some research on products you’ll be able to offer and then how much commission you get on those products.

A good rule is to look for products that are around $100 or more to make sure you get a good enough commission per sale. For example, if you’re in the beauty industry and the best, professional hair dryer is $100 and your commission is 7%, then you make $7 each time there’s a sale. That’s not bad.

Or, you might find offers where you get 100% commission on the first product (sometimes called the “front end” product) and maybe 50% on the upsells. If the front end product sells for $7 or $10, that’s not bad. This is one approach.

Another approach that works really well is high commission. This is where you make $100 to $1000 or more per sale. Sure, you’ll get fewer sales but when you make a sale, you make a lot more. What’s easier, selling 1,000 items for a $1 commission on each or 1 item with a $1,000 commission? When you think about the amount of work it’ll take, it’s easily the latter – the $1,000 commission item.

What I like is a hybrid funnel (system) that looks like this:

  1. Offer a free product to cold traffic
  2. Set up an autoresponder offering helpful products in the $7-$20 range where you get 100% commission.
  3. Sell the buyers of those products a bigger offer in the $200-$2,000 range where you get a 50% commission.

This way, you’re warming them up and gaining their trust as you go. Between each sale, you’re giving them helpful information and tools – for free, usually.

Figure Out How You Will Compete

You should have a few ideas by now that are things you know or have an interest in, things that people need help with, and things where there are products to sell. You also have identified some problems people have that need to be solved. You’ve even looked at who your competition is and what they are doing. Good, we’re nearly done!

Knowing how you will compete with your competition is key. Here are some ways:

  1. Compete on quality
  2. Compete on price
  3. Compete on your sales angle
  4. Compete on image
  5. Compete on speed

Within each of those five things, there are even more ways to compete if you keep digging.

time, cost, quality triangle illustration

With your sales angle, you might see your competition not going after a certain group of people or maybe they’re not saying the right thing. Often, there’s something that’s normally done in your niche but nobody’s talking about it. For example, if you were selling coffee makers, maybe nobody’s focusing on power consumption, so maybe the coffee makers you promote are more “green” and take up less power – something like that.

With the image, I saw something recently on the TV show, Shark Tank. I forgot the product but it was something where there was a big player out there but the emotional element of what was being sold was missing. It was actually really important for that product. Oh, it was a cremation service where the ashes are turned into diamonds. Anyway, they’re competing on the emotional part and helping people through their grieving because their competition didn’t do any of that and came off too cold.

Or maybe you can do it or you have products that are better quality, cost less, or work faster. Work on how you are going to compete.


Well, this article has more than just 90 profitable niches but I wanted to make sure you had enough knowledge about how to pick a good niche to get into. The way I look at it is, back in the days when there was no GPS, they just had maps. If you were on the ocean and you were 1 degree off, you might end up hundreds or thousands of miles away from where you’re supposed to be. So doing enough research at the beginning is critical.

If you’re interested in setting up a website around your niche and make some money with it, then definitely check out my course on how to make money with niche websites where I explain how I did it and sold one website I had for almost $13,000. That website was actually bringing in around $3,000 per month for a while, too! It was awesome!


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