Make Every Page of Your WordPress Website Secure!


Tony HermanHi There!
Did you know that websites that don’t use an SSL certificate have ugly messages like “NOT SECURE” posted next to their website on Google? This is especially true for anyone using Chrome for their browser, which most people do now.

That’s like a loud siren blaring, “Don’t Come to My Website!”

or… “Go Away!”

You don’t want that!

Instead, you want people to trust your website, right?

Make sure people coming to your website don’t see those ugly alerts but make sure they see a website with a secure lock in the address bar. It’s easy and can be done in about 10 minutes! I wrote a book explaining how to do it and you can have it today:

Install SSL on WordPress for FREE – In Just 10 Minutes!


Install SSL on WordPress - For Free In Just 10 Minutes

In this short book, you’ll learn:

  • How to get a FREE SSL certificate
  • How to install an SSL certificate on your domain name
  • How to make every page of your WordPress website load securely
  • How to add a SSL badge to the bottom of your website

When people come to your website and see every page secure, they’ll trust it more.

Google actually gives websites a boost in rankings if they have every page secure!

Doing this is easier than you think, so don’t pay some “Web Guru” big bucks to do it for you. It’s a one-time process, making your complete website load securely.

The book walks you through setting it up, step-by-step. You even get access to a video tutorial going through each step, so you watch me do it on a live website!

All this training is worth $27 or more but not today…

$14.99 Buy $6.99 PDF

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DISCLAIMER: Please note that using SSL does not make your website secure from being hacked. It encrypts the network between your website host (server) and the web browser (software/client) that is viewing it so that nobody in the middle can see the information being passed. It just encrypts the network. This does help make sure information like usernames and passwords aren’t intercepted (which helps with website security) but you must do more work to ensure you website has a better chance of not being hacked.