Let Me Show You How I Built a Website That Sold for $12,850


Have You Ever Wanted to Make Money Online?

Everyone Knows That to Make Money Online, You’ll Need a Website…

But How Do You Set Up One of These Websites the Right Way?

You Need a Coach and Some EASY Step-by-Step Instructions

Get That Right HERE!

Tony HermanHi There!

My name is Tony and I’ve been doing internet marketing since 2005. Like most people, I struggled at first. I tried method after method. I read books. Some things kind of worked but most of them were just plain trash.

I then got some help. I got into a group where I got step-by-step training on what to (I really like step-by-step training) and it was a giant success!

That website brought in a lot of money, every month – on autopilot. I just spent a couple hours a week working on it and some weeks, I skipped the work, doing nothing. That website still made me money and then I sold it.

I sold that website on Flippa for $12,850!

$12,850 selling price on FlippaI’ve made hundreds of thousands of dollars online and now it’s time you learn how to do it, too!

I’m excited to offer training to people who want to learn how to make money online because I was once there, too. I started on my own at first and later found out that having a coach and having some step-by-step instructions from people who knew what they were doing made it a lot easier and a lot FASTER!

My friends we’re bugging me about telling them how to do it themselves and I explained it to them but I figured giving them some steps to follow would work the best, so I created this easy course:

Set up a Website That Pays in 7 Days - Standard Edition

You don’t have to do it in 7 days – you can do it in one day if you want. I broke it into 7 days so people could put some good thought into each step and I wanted to make it for people who were busy and could only take maybe an hour a night (or less) to work on this kind of thing.

This book is normally $9.99 but you can have this course for FREE if you just do a share for me. Choose your social platform below and it’s yours – no strings attached!


Thanks! Download the PDF here – CLICK!

Would you like my easy to follow, step-by-step video training?

Get Extra Insights and Training the Book Alone Doesn’t Give You

Sometimes just reading something doesn’t work for people. They would rather watch videos than read. The information sinks in better when you get to visually see what you need to learn. I’m also able to add a lot more as I talk through each lesson and I show you how to do every step, so you’re getting more content with the videos for sure.

I’m offering a GOLD VERSION which has step-by-step video training to guide you through how to do it!

With the GOLD VERSION of the book, you get these exciting bonuses that can get you earning TONS more!

  1. Get access to the ONLINE version of the course with videos, more notes, and more insight! – WORTH $97
  2. Get Zero Hour Work DaysWORTH $97
  3. Get the Affiliate Marketing 101 Course – WORTH $17
  4. Get the Affiliate Marketing 201 Course – WORTH $17

Website That Pays in 7 Days bundle package


It’s a SYSTEM where you can make thousands – just like I did!

It’s $228 of VALUE for just $47!

Learn More – CLICK!
